Friday, April 2, 2010

Kayak surf in "Adrénaline" on l'EquipeTV

Adrénaline : Episode 29 - L Equipe

You probably saw the photos of the "Surf trip" previously on this blog, here, where I was going to ride some waves on the Atlantic french coast with Jean-Seb Estienne, a pro surfer.
But I forgot to mention there's also a video!!!! Oops ;-)

Well, you can see the video for a week on TV in the extrem sports TV show "Adrenaline" on l'EquipeTV or on the web when you want!!

Footage: Nico fayol
Editing: Gautier Grollemund
Photographer: Pierre Mahé
Surfer: Jean-Seb Estienne
Kayaker: Val Grollemund

"Adrenaline" on l'EquipeTV by Jean-Guillaume Charrier and Tonin Lecomte!!
Many thanks guys!!!

L'EquipeTV is probably the most serious and famous sports TV in France. They also have a newspaper everyday and a magazine every week.

Pierre Mahé
Jean-Seb Etienne
Nico Fayol
Gautier Grollemund

Also on, the famous international kayak surf website:


kenji said...

Hi Val! How's going? Hope you becoming better!

Val said...

Better yeah, I started rehabilitation just for shoulder mobility, in 2 or 3 weeks I start power rehab!!!
All good, I'm not kayaking and I'm on a TV show!! so good ;-)