Monday, December 15, 2008

Canoë Kayak Magazine #208

Good news yesterday when I recieved Canoë Kayak Magazine at home, two articles with many good friends and I about Sources of the Tarn river and Adidas Sickline.

The "Sources of the Tarn river" report was making in april 2008 at the event I organised "Haut Tarn Pro Kayak Festi'Val".
The Adidas Sickline took place in Otztal - Austria - on october 2008.

Sources of the Tarn river:
Text Raph Thiebaut
Photos: Raph Thiebaut, Jean Grollemund, Marc Girardin and Fafa Poueyto

There's an article about Sources of the Tarn river on Kayak Session soon...

Adidas Sickline, the extrem kayak world championship 2008:
text and photos Raph Thiebaut

"The cream of the extrem"

All rights reserved to Canoë Kayak Magazine and photographers.
If you use it, please send an email to the authors.

Many thanks to Joel Doux and all photographers especialy Raph!!

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