Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Volcano Ride - Eric Deguil

Logo realized and edited by for Eric Deguil (Adrenagliss team rider)

Since two years Eric plans to go to Cape Verde to make a kayak descent on a volcano, this year will be good!
We'll see our friend in Cape Verde, an archipelago located off the coast of Senegal, on May 4th to 11th 2009.

The challenge is simple take a kayak on the ashes of the volcano and go down. The volcano is the Fogo located on Fogo Island.
Many slopes are possible. The largest is nearly 600 meters and 40 ° slope!!

But Eric doesn't get things like everyone else. In this crazy adventure, Camille De Faucompret (Member of the French female snowboard team) joins him, and Eric will stay in the footsteps of this one for a unique descent.

If all goes well Eric will try to establish the speed World reccord in a kayak, it will be the bonus of this trip.
We wish to Eric and Camille all the best for this funny adventure!!

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