Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Corsica Kayak Festival 2009

Light Painting at the Jasper 21st birthday party in Porto, west coast

We were in Corsica with my brother Gautier from April 4th to 19th to paddle this beautiful region.
This trip was really nice!
The week of April 11 to 19 took place on Corsica Kayak Festival, organized by the magazines Kayak and Canoe Kayak Session Magazine.

At the port of Toulon we join Jasper Polak and Raoul Collenteur directly come from Holland.
When we arrived we joinMat Coldebella, Romain Dumoulin, Jules Domine and Alex "jaket" Besseau in Francardo to paddle the upper Golo.
During one week we explored rivers and landscapes each more beautiful than others.
Lots of great moments on the water and out! ;-)

Porto valley, west coast

Jules on the Porto river, west coast

The group on the Porto river, west coast

Gautier on Liamone river, center

nice atmosphere on Liamone river, center

Hiking to join the Lizola river put in, center

Gautier in one the slides on the Lizola river, center

Jules and Jasper at put in of the middle Vecchio river, center

Gautier on the middle Vecchio river, center

Romain on the middle Vechhio river, center

Jasper on the middle Vechhio river, center

Alex Jakette playing inflamed "devil stick" at the campsite in Venaco, Vecchio river, center

Val, video on board on Restonica river, center near Corte

Friday 10th, Gautier and I left the group to join the team Kayak Session at the camspite Ernella half way Cortes and Aleria.
Our second week was for the filming the new Kayak Session video-guide of Corsica.
Always lot of good moments on the water with this new team and very good moments in the evenings at the campsite.
The group was composed by Simon Hirter, Tyler Curtis, Phil Hausamman, Marc Gacond, David Arnaud, Raph Thiebaut, Celliers Kruger, Stefun Pion, David (USA) and of course Philippe Doux.

The program of the Corsica Kayak Festival was simple: no program!!
Everybody was paddling where he wanted and we were all together in the evening at the campsite.
The initial aim of this festival was the defense of the beautiful Rizzanèse river condemned by a dam.

Raph on Restonica river, center near Corte

On the road to Travo river, center southern

Stefun on Travo river, center southern

The group on Travo river, center southern

Tyler in the first fall of the Triple Falls, Travo river, center southern

David in the first fall of the Triple Falls, Travo river, center southern

Marc and his video on board system upstream of the first fall of the Triple Falls, Travo river, center southern

Val, first fall of the Triple Falls, Travo river, center southern

Gautier on the second fall of the Triple Falls, Travo river, center southern

The corsican singers for the Corsica Kayak Festival party at the campsite Ernella, sometimes it's like an instrument!!

A big thank you to Philippe Doux for the invitation on the shooting and all kayakers with which we enjoy the beautiful Corsica!!

Gautier and I finished our two weeks by the superb Rizzanèse river, which is condemned by the construction of a dam.
Unfortunately no picture because it was raining ... :-(

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