Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Otztal: Austrian whitewater paradize

Right after the Red Bull Dolomiten Mann I went to paddle with Arnd Schaeftlein not that far from Lienz, Austria, before heading to Otztal valley for a sick kayaking week and then drive north to the Nurnberg Germany for the KanuMesse.

The program of the week in the Otztal valley was really simple, paddle for fun and let the camera in the car!!
Let me say you that was a freaking sick kayaking week, pure descents, perfect water levels to enjoy lot of section of the Oetz river, and for glory a pretty strong Wellerbrucke rapid!!!

Grilled meat and german beers, what else do you wanna ask for??

Max Siech's burger... faaaat!!

Somewhere on the way to Otztal.

Packing the Teva van to go kayaking in Vent upstream Otztal valley!!

Stop at the pub after a kayaking day with buddies!!!

Maxi Siech!!

Maxi Siech walking to a badass Wellerbrucke rapid!!

Happy to be on the water, the only and single time I took my camera that week!!!

Myself in Wellerbrucke, photo Max Siech.

Me in Wellerbrucke.

Seth in Wellerbrucke.

Me, Wellerbrucke.

Max heading to Champion's killer the last drop of Wellerbrucke rapid.

Max Siech in Champion's killer, Wellerbrucke.

Me in Champion's killer, Wellerbrucke.

Many thanks to Arnd Schaeftlein, Ted, Max, Jo, Seth, and all my other kayaking mates!!
Seeya soon!!

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