Sunday, December 13, 2009

Futaleufu - Chile

I'm in Futa!!!!
It's a real pretty nice place!!!!
To come here, Mariann and I drove across the amazing Patagonia wich is real dream for the eyes!!!
A full day on th road... soooo long, and to cross the frontiers Argentina - Chile it's so boring!!!

It's actually my 3rd day in Futa, I paddled yesterday afternoon the terminator section with a big water level!!!
So, well, no worry it's exactly as everybody said me how it is... FAT!!!!
I paddled all the rapids, for a 1st time in big waters it's quite good!!!

Right now I'll have to learn how to paddle in big waters and get some experience to be "easy" on this beautiful big waters river!!!

I'll try to upload photos and news asap!!!

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