photo: Val Grollemund
To celebrate (more than) 1000 fans @ our fanclub on facebook we decided to make a best video contest. The winner will receive a brand NEW Freeride PFD worth 180 €!
- upload the video or if this is not possible a link to the video on our facebook fanclub;
- the video has to be your own;
- somewhere, somehow, somewhat has to be connected to sandiline;
- it does not have to be profesional (as far as we are concerned can be made with a telephone), but it can be;
- other fans valuations of your video will be taken in consideration;
- inventivness & uniqueness are added value;
- do not take it too seriously (this does not mean that you shouldn t put effort in it);
- upload max 3 videos per fan;
- dead line 15th of september 2009;
- for other info feel free to ask questions at the fanclub wall!
Here is the link to our fanclub.
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